Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Response to MY Dear Aunt B.

do you know why i listen to you, because i have matured (rather quickly) and discovered that i am not the only one who's opinion matters & there are smarter "more knowledgeable" people than myself - it took many years to discover this, and once i did - i began calling you EVERYDAY (sometimes, more than once, twice a day) because sharing your life with someone else, asking opinions, getting advice from someone like you is a privilege for me

i see many of my friends who dont cherish their parents & i feel honored to have someone like you in my life who knows almost everything, cheers me on, and helps me out - eric, alexis, whitney .. ETC... will figure it out eventually, im grateful i discovered it sooner!

i think the loss of Gremo, my confidant, caused me to rethink many things - i was able to rely on her for so much, but i never truly appreciated it - i took it for granted. with YOU i dont, CANT - take it for granted - life is fragile and i thank God for everyday you are in it and i am able to speak with you because its another day that i can better my own life by hearing from you - this may sound silly, but yours is the advice i trust above all others because YOU are the most wonderful woman in the world!!!

how could i ever find a wife that is good enough? she will need to be sent to "Barbie Bootcamp" because i want her to be just like you EXCEPT for: a better bladder, no silly superstitions, and able to drive HEHE

i love you dearly
