Wednesday, February 23, 2011


reddest face ever: teacher said b4 class started - go on our LSU page & order CrimJustice shirt, its $20 but ill give u 5 bonus points on quiz - i went on to see the shirt ..ugly... class was ending, teach said "dont forget to order the shirt for bonus" - i said "but its kinda ugly"-- teach said "well, i designed it ....

wanted to print extra copy on free printer, didnt know what it was on for CMST class, printer was taking a long time so i left it to print ... came back & Sr VP of Marketing was there @ printer waiting for his job - he said "u here to pick up your print job" YES SIR "here is your paper on "effects of genetal herpies" OMG

Friday, February 11, 2011

blog posts from copenhagen DK - jan 2010

I was in my hotel today and used the lobby bathroom, someone had recently smoked in there and it smelled EXACTLY like gremos bathroom upstairs... I just thoght that it was funny, a bathroom in Copenhagen reminded me of Gremo! Ha

So I'm in Copenhagen staying on their version of Bourbon Street and I see like 5 hookers an hour right underneath my first floor window - I got one on film going around to different ppl's cars talkin to them - I was afraid though, if one saw me filming them - I'd prolly get killed, the hotel isn't that secure and I'm on the first floor - from now on, imma keep the vid cam hidden or not film @ all

Also, there's a TV channel (12) dedicated ONLY to ppl sleeping, what the smack!?

I jus saw the changing of the guard at the queens palace, that was the most amazing thing I've ever seen - I got goosebumps - band playing, about 50 guards, snowing! Perfect

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

girls, hornets, superbowl, weather, egypt

i just sat across one of the most beautiful girls ever, LACEY S. she is gorgeous, but i have no chance with her, she is a 10 but i am a 7.2 (7.8 according to hope) ha

this weekend we went to lunch @ la madeline, dinner at Zea's and i had a great panini and the BEST hummus EVER!!!

another girl was Brooke, but she is too busy w/ her school things, so thats kinda sad too. I met this girl @ taco bell today, sleazy, but she had black hair and a blue shirt and i swear she was begging me to ask for her #, but i just couldnt do it, she commented on my polo sweater and the lady behind the counter chimed in, it was funny. she was from auburn AL and just moved to BR, she drove a tan truck - cute too, would have been interesting to ask her for her # or name for FB .. but alas NO

i could have won hornets tickets tonight, im so mad i didnt, i was online and checking but i just missed it - really, i could have WON. i was pretty pissed

today was 74 degrees in the early day and now its 26 dedgrees tonight, tomorrow will be 45 for the high - bad storm hit the USA today - we got a lil of it (lasted 30mns) = it streached from new mexico to maine, wow.

another egypt update, it was looking bad and the prez annunced that he will step down in Sept (thats not enough according to protesters) i dont know how to feel b/c i like a PRO American gvt and one that accepts Israel and denounces terrorism & islam.

i will go home for the superbowl this weekend, funny how last year i was watching MY SAINTS win! wow, what a year it was.