Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Semester Abroad ( Sopron, Hungary)

Our first outing was to Sopron, Hungary – Jade had the idea to go there – I had never even heard of it. I can remember that we invited a few friends and randomly told others that we were going, Jade and I thought that it would only be us two … well, in the morning we showed up and there were almost 10 people! Anja, Jade, Daniel, Samouli, Marika, Darren, Quin, Tuba, and another girl from Turkey ( whose name escapes me @ the moment). We left the common room and boarded the bus – bound for the WN Hopbanhof – and arrived safely in Sopron around 9:00 am. When we got there we walked around to find the main square, it was like walking around in communist Russia – there was NO BODY out walking around, and the town was barren – full of rusting cars and deteriorating shops! We finally approached a building that had a sign “tourist Information” so we headed inside – (time appx. 9:45) – when we got inside the shop was closed until 10:00 am – so we waited for a bit until some people came and opened it. It was soo funny, because it was such a dismal day – the clouds were blocking the sun, it was very foggy and very cold, the trees had no leaves and the tips of the branches were covered in frost: (as seen on the left). We then found a neat little coffee shop that was 2 stories and had a beautiful staircase and chandelier. We ate a light breakfast there, took a few pictures and headed to the main square. Sopron, like I've alluded to, is nothing to scream about – we were among 20 other tourists there that day, which is sad- because we were a party of 9! We had wanted to go visit some castles but they were all closed that day, save for one. It was out in the country – we would have to take a bus – but no one spoke Hungarian, so we winged it. We arrived at the bus station and began to ask around in German, Turkish, French, English – and maybe even in Finnish…. We arrived at the castle, we had to walk a ways but finally made it there – ummm, this is the castle ( I remember saying in my head) it was more like a large house. If you took 2 of my houses, this would be the same size – HEY, maybe we should call the Munn home a castle!!! HAHA. We toured the place ( B-O-R-I-N-G) and left. We waited for the next bus and finally hopped on and headed back to Buenos Aires … ( not really, just wanted to make this more interesting ) … when we got back we realized we had about 45 mns until the next train got there – so we ate at a pizza place – I ordered a fanta and a pizza. We were eating and talking and the time FLEW by. We were late and we hadn’t finished, and my white ass wasn’t about to let 7 euros worth of pizza go to waste, so to the distain of the others, I asked for a “TO GO BOX” … I waited with bated breath to discover …. “YEAH” they had one! So I took my pizza to go, shot a smug look at the others, and we boarded the 100 foot yacht ( I'm doing it again .. sorry) back to Wiener Neustadt, the city of dreams ( last time I promise)

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