Thursday, May 27, 2010

Madison 4 Emilys Graduation, Grades

Today I'm in Jackson Mississippi, or Madison, we are here for my cousin, Emilys graduation – lots of things have gone down since my last post, most notably I'm out of school and working for my dad – working for my dad is okay, it’s a great job, but getting along with him is hard and its really annoying sometimes

right now im sitting in my little cousin, olivias, dance class while they dance to lady gagas "bad romance" - the receptionist is really cute but she is married, so darn!

I really enjoy spending time with my family up here in Miss., I really feel wanted and needed – something that i feel that i dont get at home, at times

this morning, kym and i went to the gym and did spin class, yesterday we did a P90X type class, yet not as challenging

my grades are out - i got : A, B, C, D, D (nicht gut)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Drinking @ the Bulldog

mark and i went to the bulldog last night, i needed that little break - i have been studying in my hiding spot on the second floor of Coates and just wanted a break from it all, so after my final in marketing which i bombed (60ish) i got a shower and headed to the bar around 10, tonight was "bring your glasses home" night and i took 5 home, i could have had 20 but they took them (dammit) - i had 4 beers (optimators and andy gators) and 1 shot of patron - and got drunk as ever, i lost my s#!+ i havent been that drunk since europe, i met some nice ppl Holly and a pastor who drank my beer (some of it) and i would like to attend that church when i get back to BR
some indian guy came up and wanted to buy us shots and wanted to take sarah out and i talked her up, without knowing her, so that he would buy us more drinks - then i decided to leave

i got in my car and knew that it would be bad, i was soo drunk - ive never been that drunk in a car before, i was soo over the limit - if idda gotten a ticket, i would have been jailed FOR SURE - i called my mom at 1:16am and talked to her for 22 minutes until i got back to the apartment, i had to stop twice to throw up (once at a house and once at the school) then i threw up a little in my car and on my pants

it was only 3 miles from bulldog to my house but it felt like forever

i got inside and went directy for the shower, where i took a quick one and got out and knocked over my TV on my head and still have a bump - i was soo dizzy, i felt awful - i dont know how, but i ended up in bed and prolly passed out - i didnt set my alarm clock so i woke up @ 10:30 and my exam was at 12:30

i didnt do well, it was a pretty bad hangover - i took 3 asprin and went to the test, if i looked at the test i was okay but everytime i looked up i felt woozy

not good dan

Friday, May 7, 2010

Aunt Barbie in town, Update

my aunt barbie, my dad, and i - with my ring, rubbing the head of mike the tiger for good luck

Friday, May 07 2010, @ 11:15am

i have been waking up @ 5 or 6 every morning, what is wrong with me?
today i woke up @ 6 and watched F&F until i went to turn on the comp and check out the british elections, darren sharper, FB&FV, and GMA (which i cried b/c this lady "little A" won a contest and it was really sad) right now im eating cheezeits and salt (which i hand crack to place on top of the cheeze-it and in my mouth) i am doing the laundry and cleaning while i wait for my mom and aunt to come to BR and i can take them around the city.

they came up on wed and i got my ring, the best looking ring in the world (is it sacrilegious to be in love with a ring?) its a purple stone that changes colours under different light - black, blue, green

wed was cinco-de-mayo, the day i got my BMW(2009) and my LSU senior ring (2010) so it seems that cinco-de-mayo will be an important day in my future

on Wed we went to bass proshop for lunch and then to the governors mansion, we had a great time there - although, bobbie johnson was in a real pissy mood and treated us like crap, but we got bobby jindals favorite chocolate chip cookies, so that was a nice treat

today i would like to take them downtown and to see the state capitol building, then to campus and to perkins rowe

my aunt barbie is in town, she is from pennsylvania, and is an important figure in my life. She is my biggest fan, and i love her dearly - she is really funny and has the best stories, however long
we say, is this a LS or a SS (long story or a short story?) usually, if not always, its a LS
- she always tells me how much she loves me and how much i mean to her, she says "dan, you are destined for something great" - i really wish that i could fastforward my life 10 years and make myself an important person, just to show her she was right
she is really funny, she "reads the newspaper with a pair of scissors" she sends her monthly cut outs that she thinks that i will enjoy, and i try to read them all
she loves to read books, she sends me many of the books that she likes but i never get around to reading them - i have a whole stack to get to when i find some time
aunt barbie is the best aunt anyone could ask for, she listens, she provides insight, and makes a point to brighten your day - i love her very much and cant wait till she gets here!!