Thursday, May 13, 2010

Drinking @ the Bulldog

mark and i went to the bulldog last night, i needed that little break - i have been studying in my hiding spot on the second floor of Coates and just wanted a break from it all, so after my final in marketing which i bombed (60ish) i got a shower and headed to the bar around 10, tonight was "bring your glasses home" night and i took 5 home, i could have had 20 but they took them (dammit) - i had 4 beers (optimators and andy gators) and 1 shot of patron - and got drunk as ever, i lost my s#!+ i havent been that drunk since europe, i met some nice ppl Holly and a pastor who drank my beer (some of it) and i would like to attend that church when i get back to BR
some indian guy came up and wanted to buy us shots and wanted to take sarah out and i talked her up, without knowing her, so that he would buy us more drinks - then i decided to leave

i got in my car and knew that it would be bad, i was soo drunk - ive never been that drunk in a car before, i was soo over the limit - if idda gotten a ticket, i would have been jailed FOR SURE - i called my mom at 1:16am and talked to her for 22 minutes until i got back to the apartment, i had to stop twice to throw up (once at a house and once at the school) then i threw up a little in my car and on my pants

it was only 3 miles from bulldog to my house but it felt like forever

i got inside and went directy for the shower, where i took a quick one and got out and knocked over my TV on my head and still have a bump - i was soo dizzy, i felt awful - i dont know how, but i ended up in bed and prolly passed out - i didnt set my alarm clock so i woke up @ 10:30 and my exam was at 12:30

i didnt do well, it was a pretty bad hangover - i took 3 asprin and went to the test, if i looked at the test i was okay but everytime i looked up i felt woozy

not good dan

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