Monday, March 7, 2011

my dogs in baton rouge

it was so fun, i had my 2 dogs bandit and boots as house guests for saturday night, sunday, and monday morning - its great to have them but its work - you have to watch that bandit doesnt pee everywhere, wipe their paws off after you bring them in - and clean up after they leave (which i am doing now)

i took them on my mile jog on LSU's campus, then brought them to see the indian mounds, the quad, and mike the tigers pen - boots got scared when she smelled mike - it was funny

bandit is so cute, he loves you be by you but not for too long - boots loves to cuddle. i had a great time with the pups and met mom today to trade them bak in at backyard burger - we had a bacon burger and the fries were really good.

i took a shortcut to the interstate that i thought was a shortcut and it said "road closed" and me being stupid took it anyway and i went 15 minutes out of my way to get in and the road was really closed, i had to turn around and go all the way back.

washed my big toe for the first time ever in the sink, i cut it while using the nail clipper and it bled a lot! bandit tried to lick it, i stopped him really quickly.

mardi gras tomorrow, and i have to study - i have a lot of work to do if i am to graduate in may FINGERS CROSSED


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