Saturday, March 12, 2011

saved blog 629

Been riding with my dad, and we get along okay – we are very much alike but drive each other nuts. He claims hes the BOSS and that I need to do everything he says, but it’s different from his other hires because this is a father son relationship also … he tells everyone that I will go to work for him, but I'm not 100% sure about that, and it drives me nuts when he keeps doing that.

Like today when we went to subway and it was hot inside of the subway shop I said “dad, its too hot in here” and suggested we should eat outside, he got so mad – he hates eating outside – so he threw a little temper tantrum and I cussed at him, and we had to eat in the car (it was a nice day, breezy, and descent temperature)

Or the other day, he always tells me “never park in the front of a store, but when he wants to – he parks right in front, I have a photo. He is very hypocritical, I like to say “Bill would drive himself crazy, if Bill wasn’t Bill” for example, at the causeway – you give your toll tag, if anyone in the “toll only” lane is required to stop, he gets mad and honks – well, dads doesn’t always work either, so the other day, he was stopped behind someone and the guy behind him honked and dad turned around and flipped him off, which was like flipping himself off because he had done it just the other day – and 2 days later, he had to stop himself because his tag didn’t scan properly

Today we went to baton rouge and paid my apartment bill and got some items out of my old apt. and got to see my new, one bedroom – which is going to fit me just fine. Its on the first floor, F108 I think – my old one was N122. I really like my apt complex and I'm glad I'm staying there because its gated and secure there at oakbrook
We opened the new Harahan homestore last week, that was crazy – we assembled all the furniture and priced it and … it was nuts. I worked in the back with Tim Oleary, Melanie MEL, Debra, Peggy (at times) Bill Jolly, and Sue (at times) – we had a great time back there, it was like my old comeaux days. We assembled mostly chairs the first day or so, then coffee tables, sofa tables, dining room and entertainment. Mel and I worked together the most and really bonded, I really like her – she has the funniest accent LIKE A NEW YORKA, and smells good. She smokes these tiny little “straw” cigaretts and I had one, it was good, it was menthol and costs $7 a pack, pretty expensive, so I felt bad for bumming it from her so I only asked her once – I smoked 5 cigaretts that week, the normal smokers (in the back) were Walter, Bill, Mel and some others but those were the ones I rembr. While we were there, there was an accident with the huey p long bridge, they were taking a 200ft long beam to the huey from airline on clearview and right behind the new store, it flipped off the flatbed and cracked the road and a few lightpoles, it took 3 days to clean it up totally and it weighed about 100 tons, so it took a big crane to pick up.
This weekend we got to babysit my little cousin, Lila Kay, she is the sweetest, cutest baby and the most even tempered – she hardly ever gave us trouble.

Today we are leaving for Birmingham Alabama, for a computer conference for Ashley. June 30 2010. After this weekend we will go to my cousins house for the fourth of july, we stayed @ this house in Mobile for Katrina. Supposedly my grandpa and cousin Lila will be there, but who knows – I never let my hopes get up, even for the trip to the west indies that we will embark on in 12 days, but like I said – I don’t usually like to get my hopes up on going because its usually a let down. I have a lot of practice with this with the saints, they were usually a let down (save for last year) and I was used to not getting my hopes up about anything really. (update: we were able to go to st kitts, beautiful island)

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